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How Life Insurance Can Complement Your  Estate Planning

Written by AFS Financial Group, LLC | Nov 21, 2023 5:32:00 PM

Life insurance can be an integral part of an effective estate plan. It provides valuable financial protection to surviving family members and helps manage and cover unexpected costs that may arise. Let's take a closer look at how it can be an effective addition to your estate planning. 

What can life insurance be used for?

  • Provide money for the living expenses of the deceased's survivors and replace lost income due to the death of a breadwinner
  • Pay off any outstanding debts, such as medical bills, mortgages, or loans
  • Cover funeral expenses
  • Provide funds for long-term care and special needs for surviving family members
  • Fund trusts that are set up to benefit survivors after death (e.g. it can pay for college tuition and other educational expenses or provide income payments during retirement)
  • Minimize taxes that may be owed upon death by transferring assets into a trust rather than passing them directly to heirs (this reduces the overall amount of taxes paid on the estate when passed through the trust)

What are the types of life insurance coverage?

When considering life insurance as part of your estate plan, it is important to look at the various types of coverage available.

  • Whole life policies offer lifetime protection with fixed premiums and cash value that accumulates over time.
  • Term life policies provide temporary protection for a set period of time and have lower premiums than whole-life policies.
  • Universal life policies combine elements from both term- and whole-life policies, offering flexible premiums with a cash value component.

Additionally, it is important to understand how the policy can be structured to maximize its effectiveness in an estate plan.

  • Beneficiaries are key players in this process since they will receive the proceeds from the policy when the insured person passes away.
  • Naming multiple beneficiaries or creating trusts for minors are two strategies that can help ensure that all intended heirs receive their fair share of the policy benefits.

How can you avoid estate taxes on life insurance?

  • Irrevocable trust: One way to avoid estate taxes on life insurance is to set up an irrevocable trust and name it as the beneficiary of your policy. This type of trust provides tax advantages that enable you to transfer assets out of your own estate, which can reduce or even eliminate the amount subject to estate taxes when you pass away.
  • Life insurance trust: Setting up a life insurance trust also ensures that any death benefit proceeds are distributed in accordance with your wishes without being passed through probate court. It is important to consult with an attorney or financial advisor who specializes in estate planning when considering this option. They can help you determine if it makes sense for your particular situation and explain the necessary steps required to make sure everything is set up properly.

Is life insurance considered an asset to an estate?

Life insurance can be considered an asset in an estate, but it depends on both the type of policy and how it is structured.  Here are some important things to consider.

  • Whole life policies, for example, offer both protection and cash value that accumulates over time and can be passed to beneficiaries as part of an estate plan.
  • The death benefit from a life insurance policy is not considered taxable income, offering further advantages for tax purposes.
  • When a life insurance policy is owned by the insured person themselves and then passed on to their beneficiaries at their death, it is, in most cases, considered an asset in the estate. The policy proceeds are then distributed according to the stipulations indicated in the insured's will or trust.
  • Spouse or family members listed as beneficiaries: If a policyholder lists a spouse or other family members as beneficiaries on their life insurance policy, those funds may also be included as assets in the insured's estate.
  • Irrevocable trust transfer: If a life insurance policy is transferred into an irrevocable trust prior to the insured's death, it will no longer be part of their estate upon their passing and therefore would not be included as an asset.

What type of life insurance is often used for estate planning?

Whole life insurance policies are often used for estate planning because these policies provide both protection and cash value that accumulates over time.

  • Death benefit not subject to taxation: With a whole life policy, the death benefit is not subject to taxation, making it an attractive way to transfer assets from an estate to minimize taxes paid.
  • Asset in the estate: When a whole life policy is owned by the insured person themselves and then passed on to their beneficiaries at death, it is generally considered an asset in the estate. This means that the policy proceeds can be distributed according to stipulations indicated by the insured's will or trust.
  • Provide flexibility: Whole life policies also provide flexibility in terms of how funds are utilized upon death; for example, they can be used for living expenses of survivors, paying off outstanding debts such as medical bills or loans, funding trusts set up to benefit survivors, or minimizing taxes owed on an estate.
  • Offer numerous advantages: Ultimately, whole life insurance offers numerous advantages when it comes to using it as part of a comprehensive estate plan.

Is life insurance a good way to leave money to heirs?

When properly structured and managed beforehand, life insurance can be a great way to ensure that your legacy will endure long after you have passed away.

  • It provides death benefits that are not subject to tax and can be distributed according to the wishes of the insured without going through probate court.
  • Whole life insurance policies in particular offer many advantages as an estate planning tool because they accumulate cash value over time, allowing beneficiaries to use it for living expenses or other necessary costs like paying off debts.
  • It provides flexibility regarding how funds are used which can help minimize taxes owed on an estate.

Ultimately, life insurance is an important tool for helping individuals prepare their estates so that their beneficiaries receive maximum benefits when the time comes.  Proper planning is essential for an effective estate plan that incorporates life insurance coverage as well as other components such as wills and trusts. Careful selection of a suitable policy depending on individual circumstances is very important to ensure that your loved ones are provided for.

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